Contemporary Spanish Realism

Exhibition in Japan

From Barcelona to Japan

The MEAM exhibits its permanent fund at the Hoki Museum in Tokyo

  • From May 16 and until September 1, the MEAM disembarks in Japan with "Contemporary Spanish Realism", a sample that includes the work of 59 figurative Spanish painters.
  • The exhibition is part of the exchange project between the Hoki Museum and the MEAM, the only two museums dedicated to contemporary figurative art in the world, which began last year with the exhibition 'Contemporary Japanese Realism' in Barcelona.
  • After this first exhibition in Tokyo, the MEAM will exhibit the work of the artist Istvan Sandorfi and later move his permanent collection to the Japanese cities of Saga and Setouchi until the beginning of 2020.

The European Museum of Modern Art (MEAM), entity that promotes and disseminates the figurative art of the 20th and 21st centuries, will organize for the first time a large collective exhibition with current figurative Spanish artists at the Hoki Museum in Tokyo, Japan. From May 16, the Hoki Museum will host the exhibition 'Spanish Contemporary Realism', which brings together the 59 works of Spanish painters that make up the most interesting of the permanent fund of MEAM as Golucho, María Jose Cortés Antequera, Jordi Díaz Almà, Carlos Morago, Miguel Angel Moya, Eudardo Naranjo, Jaime Valero, Dino Valls, Kike Meana, José Manuel Cajal, Rosa Diaz or Miriam Escofet, among others.

Participant artists

Jorge Abbad-Jaime de Cordoba
Jacobo Alcalde Gibert
Felipe Alonso
Jose Manuel Cajal
Alejandro Carpintero
Francisco Carrillo
Gerard Castellví
Andres Castellanos
Manuel Castillero
Antonio Cazorla
Jose Luis Ceña
Amaya Corbacho Martín
Maria José Cortés
Juan Manuel Cossio
Margarita Cuesta Pamies
Angel Deangel
Antonio de Ávila
Pedro del Toro
Rosa Díaz
Jordi Díaz Alamà
Miriam Escofet
Ignacio Estudillo
José Francés
Iván Franco Fraga
Jorge Gallego
Juan Carlos Gil Gutiérrez
Golucho (Miguel Angel Mayo)
Manuel Huertas Torrejón
Jaime Valero
Dino Valls
Manuel Hurtado mateos
Paco Lafarga
Carmen Mansilla
Alejandro Marco
Carlos Marijuán
Pau Marinello
Fausto Martin
Constantino Mateos
Kike Meana
Edgar Noé Mendoza
Carlos Morago
Eloy Morales
Miguel Ángel Moya
Carlos Muro
Eduardo Naranjo
David Naylor
Juan Bautista Nieto
Mikel Olazabal
Jose Antonio Ochoa Calzada 
Adonai Oliver
Adrià Pina
Susana Ragel
Fermín Ramírez de Arellano
Marcos Rey
Francisco Roa
Aurelio Rodríguez
Jesus María Sáez de Vicuña
Carlos Saura
Guillermo Sedano
Javier Torices
